5 Different Types of Car Accident Claim


07 January 2022


Car Accident Claim

When you think of a car accident, the first thing that probably comes to your mind is two vehicles colliding. But there are many types of car accidents that involve not just cars- but pedestrians, motorcycles , uber, etc. You should be aware of the different types of car accidents so that you know what to expect, should it ever happen to you.

In this article, we’ll look at the five different types of car accident claims fillings that require the expertise of a car accident attorney.

1. Pedestrian accidents

Pedestrian accidents

Pedestrians are the most vulnerable when it comes to car accidents. They lack any safety features to protect them against being hit by cars, making the accidents fatal most times. If you have survived a pedestrian accident, you need a car accident attorney to successfully get compensation for filed claims. Visit this site if you’re looking for a car accident attorney.

Pedestrian accidents are not exclusive to being hit by a vehicle only. They also include injuries resulting from obstructions on pavements, poor road maintenance, being struck by a falling object, dog bites, and more.

You should seek representation, especially for dog bites, from a reputable and highly experienced accident attorney because pedestrian accidents are known to cause life-changing injuries that require both attention and compensation.

2. Bicycle accidents

Cycling is a popular means of commuting to different destinations without worrying about traffic or environmental pollution. However, cyclists are vulnerable road users with a risk of getting serious injuries after a road accident.

Bicycle accidents are often caused by negligent driving by other road users, poor road conditions, and faulty light systems. Choosing a car accident attorney will aid in getting compensation for your claim after being involved in an accident.

Bicycle accidents can have devastating impacts on your life. Accidents affect your ability to work, movement, and mental wellbeing. These accidents also require emergency medical bills you may be incapable of raising due to the inability to work. This shows how vital it is to claim compensation after a bicycle accident.

3. Dram shop accidents

Dram shop accidents

Dram shop accidents result from reckless driving due to consuming alcohol served by an establishment. Such are third-party vehicle accident liabilities in which you are allowed to sue the establishment that served the alcohol to the driver.

Every state has a different way of handling drunk driving and accident liability. Additionally, the laws governing dram shop claims also differ. Hence, you need to hire a car accident attorney that is well-versed with state laws and can help you make a winnable claim.

It is important to note that not all drunk driving-related accidents allow for dram shop liability claims. This claim is applicable under specific circumstances, such as serving alcohol to a minor.

4. Motorcycle collisions

Motorcycle accidents are dangerous and fatal in most cases. These accidents also present unique issues when trying to figure out who caused the accident. Therefore, it is crucial to seek guidance from a car accident attorney after involvement in a motorcycle accident.

5. Uber/Lyft or rideshare accidents

Uber/Lyft or rideshare accidents

If you are an uber/Lyft passenger and the driver causes the accident, they are liable for your injuries. The drivers often have insurance coverage from Lyft or Uber; this may not apply to you as a passenger. However, an accident attorney can help ensure the driver compensates you because they are liable for the victim’s injuries.

6. Are you looking for a car accident attorney?

The information above provides different types of car accidents that require a car accident attorney to improve chances of successful compensation. All that is left is for you to get an experienced attorney to help with your case and trust them to get you the compensation you deserve.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How Long Does it Take to Get a Divorce in the UK?

This is a question that most people in the initial stages of the divorce process will ask. The best answer is; it depends on your particular situation. But in this post, we will take a look at how long the process should take and what you can do to speed it up brought to you by Goodman Ray. The Myths vs. Reality: 58% of people polled think that it takes years to complete a divorce. But this is normally far from the truth. It is realistically possible to complete the process in as little as four to six months. Uncontested divorces, in particular, don’t take too long to complete since it is often only a matter of filing the paperwork correctly. It is, however, important to note that while the process of ending a marriage can be completed quickly, other processes can take longer. This is true if the couple struggles to resolve matters like finances and matters pertaining to their children. Dedicated Divorce Centers: In the past, divorce petitions were filed at the local county courts and checked by district judges, which was time-consuming. To streamline the process and allocate resources more effectively, this system was recently replaced. Now there are 11 dedicated regional divorce centers whose main task is to process these legal separations. Therefore, if the toy is petitioning for a divorce, you ate required to send your documents to the nearest divorce center. Here, the documents will be processed by legal advisers instead of judges. This new system is aimed at speeding up the first two stages of the divorce process. It is, however, worth noting that you’ll still have to wait 6 weeks and a day to get the decree nisi. How to Speed Up the Divorce Process: Despite the fact that the time it takes to get a divorce can vary, there are several things you can do to speed up the process. The following are just some of the best; If possible, try to get an agreement from your spouse on the reason for filing the divorce petition. If they don’t agree and decide to contest the divorce, the process could take longer than you want. It is also very important to make sure that you file the paperwork on time. This is true for both the respondent and the petitioner. This helps to minimize the wasted time that could add unnecessary time to the process. Also, ensure that you don’t make any mistakes when filling the paperwork. Mistakes can also cause significant delays of anything from 6 t0 8 weeks. This is because you may have to redo the paperwork. It is advisable to get legal help when completing the form to ensure there are minimal errors. Getting Started: The biggest delay in the divorce process often comes at the very beginning of the process, even before either party has filed the petition. This is because most couples, about 76% try to solve the problems in the marriage rather than seek a legal separation. The average couple will spend up to 18 months trying to keep their marriage from breaking down. Getting a divorce is no doubt one of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make and it does require bravery. A survey found that 11% of people will hold back from getting divorced because of the stigma around it. The average person may take up to 2 years thinking about getting a divorce rather than just taking the first step. Finances and Arrangements for the Children: Even after you have your decree absolute, the divorce process itself may not be over. Certain matters including finances and arrangements for the children can complicate the process. Choosing to go to court to resolve these issues can cost you a lot of time and money. It is often a good idea to seek other means of resolving them such as mediation and collaborative law. A prenuptial or a postnuptial agreement can also help. Read Also: How To Get A Cheap Divorce In Texas What Are The Grounds For Divorce In Illinois? Divorce Lawyers In Houston Texas: A Short Guide On Saving Your Marriage

Probate Fees

Probate Fees 101: Breaking Down The Different Costs Of Probate In NSW

Probation is a vital legal process for handling the estate of a deceased person. In New South Wales (NSW), understanding the various costs associated with probate is crucial for estate administrators. This article aims to provide a detailed view of the different expenses involved in the probate process in NSW. We will delve into each component, offering insights to help you navigate the cost of probate NSW. What is Probate? Probate is a legal process necessary to ensure that the wishes of a deceased person accomplish according to their Will. It involves presenting the Will to the Supreme Court of NSW to verify its validity and to grant the executor the authority to administer the estate. This process can be complicated and also time-consuming, but ensuring that the estate is distributed fairly and following the deceased's wishes is essential. If you have recently lost a dear one and are unsure about the probate process, you should seek the advice of an extremely qualified and highly experienced legal professional who can guide you. Understanding Probate Fees Probate fees can include a range of expenses incurred during the probate process, which is the legal procedure of administering a deceased person's estate. Some of the costs of probate NSW may include legal, court, and executor fees. The complexity of the estate can play a role in determining the overall cost of probate, as more complex estates may require more time and resources to manage. The specific services required during probate can also impact the total cost. For example, if the estate involves disputes or challenges to the Will, this can increase the overall cost of probate. Court Fees One of the primary expenses in the probate process is the court fees. When filing for probate in NSW, one must pay an application to the Supreme Court. The fee is calculated based on the estate's value, determined by the gross value of the deceased's assets. It is essential to gather accurate asset valuations to determine the appropriate cost of probate NSW. Executor's Commission The estate executor, responsible for administering the assets and distributing them according to the Will, is entitled to receive a commission for the offered services. The commission is usually a portion of the estate's value and is subject to court approval. This commission compensates the executor for their time, effort, and responsibility in managing the estate. Legal Fees Engaging a solicitor or a law firm to assist with the probate process is common practice. Legal fees can vary depending on the complexity of the estate and the services required. It is advisable to obtain a detailed breakdown of the legal fees before engaging legal professionals. The legal fees typically cover services such as reviewing the Will, preparing and filing probate documents, communicating with beneficiaries and creditors, and providing legal guidance. Accountant Fees When it's about managing the financial aspects of the probate process, it may be beneficial to seek the assistance of an accountant. They can provide valuable expertise in ensuring accurate financial reporting and preparing estate tax returns. Additionally, they can offer sound advice on complex financial matters related to the estate. The cost of probate NSW charged by accountants will depend on the services provided, with hourly rates or a percentage of the estate's value being the most common payment structures. Ultimately, enlisting the services of an accountant can help ensure that the probate process runs smoothly and efficiently, giving you peace during a potentially stressful time. Valuation Fees To accurately determine the value of the deceased's assets, it may be necessary to obtain professional valuations. Valuation fees can apply to properties, investments, collectibles, and other valuable assets that form part of the estate. Professional valuers assess the fair market value of the assets, considering factors such as current market conditions, asset conditions, and demand. These valuations are crucial for estate accounting and distribution purposes. Advertising and Notice Fees As part of the probate process, placing advertisements or publishing notices in newspapers to notify potential creditors and beneficiaries is often required. These advertising and notice fees can vary depending on the publication and the duration of the advertisement. Giving public notice ensures that any interested parties can come forward with any claims against the estate or assert their rights as beneficiaries. Other Miscellaneous Costs Apart from the fees mentioned above, there is also another miscellaneous cost of probate NSW. These include postage, courier fees, photocopying, and document certification charges. These smaller costs can add up, so it is important to record all these expenses for accurate accounting purposes. Maintaining detailed documentation of every expense is advisable to ensure transparency and accountability. Summing Up Probate fees in NSW encompass a range of costs essential to an estate's successful administration. Understanding these expenses is crucial to effectively manage the probate process, from court to legal and accountant fees. By breaking down the different costs, we hope this article has provided you with valuable insights to navigate the complexities of the cost of probate NSW. Probate fees in NSW can be significant but essential to ensuring a smooth and legally valid estate administration. By being aware of the various expenses involved and seeking professional guidance, you can navigate the probate process with confidence and efficiency. Probate Consultants offer their services at reasonable prices and ensure their clients can relax while they complete all the court formalities. So, contact them and provide a worry-free grant of the probate procedure. Read Also: 10 Estate Planning Tips to Help You Prepare for the End 5 Easy Estate Planning Tips to Help You Plan for the Future Surviving Loss: What to Do With an Estate After You Lose a Loved One

DUI Charges

7 Things You Should Know About DUI Charges: Can You Go to Prison as a Result?

In most cases, a first time DUI offense is considered as a misdemeanor, and you may go to jail for up to 6 months if you are guilty of the offense.  Here are some of the things you should know about DUI charges You may spend a few days in Jail as a First-time Offender: Criminal practice experience has shown that most first-time DUI offenders spend few days to some weeks in jail when found guilty. First DUI offense is considered a misdemeanor hence it carries lighter punishments, though sentencing can be increased to 6 months depending on the severity of injuries caused to victims. DUI May Involve Distinct Legal Cases: When you are involved or arrested for DUI, you may have two different legal issues. First of all, there may be a legal proceeding against you, over your driver’s license. Secondly, you may be charged with criminal DUI. There are different legal standards applicable to these two DUI cases,  but the result of one will not influence judgment on the other. You will need DUI attorneys to look into your peculiar case. A Third DUI Offence is considered a Felony: While the first DUI is considered a misdemeanor, a third offense is considered a felony. It is important to also note that DUIs may stay on your personal records forever. You May Get Probation Sentence  Instead of Jail Term: As a first-time DUI offender, you may have your prison term suspended and converted into probation, especially if no one was hurt in a car accident that you are responsible for. You may also make a plea bargain with the prosecutor, but you need to consult with an attorney before you sign such a plea bargain. Expungement of DUI Charges May be an Option for You: Expungement is a situation where your DUI records are removed from your personal records, this could be very helpful when you are looking for a job. In most cases, you can only file for expungement only after serving your DUI punishment. Some Conditions May Aggravate Your DUI penalties: Your DUI punishment may be increased if you were caught driving under extremely high alcohol influence, or if you have a minor, under 18 years of age in your car or if you were caught driving outside of the speed limit. You May Get a Bond Supervision After Multiple DUI: Since multiple DUI charges are considered a felony, you may be placed on multiple bond supervision for a very long time. Bond supervision means you may be placed under house arrest, random urinalysis and you may be asked to report to a probation officer. In conclusion, it is possible to get your DUI case thrown out if you can seek the help of a DUI attorney. In this case, the attorney can find strong proof that you were not responsible for the DUI situation, hence the injuries or death sustained from such accidents cannot be linked to you directly or indirectly. Read Also: How To Choose A Personal Injury Lawyer What Are The Penalties For DUI In Florida 6 Important Questions To Ask A Personal Injury Lawyer The Effects Of Drinking And Driving Under The Legal Age Of 21 Featured Image: fightduicharges.com